End of year THANK YOU

31 December 2024

Another twelve months has passed, over which our minds have been drawn to a number of key issues happening worldwide…..

The race to Space, The Middle East, the possible return of Covid and of course Mr Trump being elected as president being just a few.

However, the bigger issue of global warming has crossed my mind on numerous occasions this year, not because I doubt the science, but because I’ve felt more concerned about the possibility of being drowned, washed away or left stranded on a high point of land surrounded by fallen trees, wet Wolves and dirt covered deer all staring at me as if it was my fault.

The point being, that over the last six months it has hardly stopped raining!!!

This coupled with ’Storm Darragh’ that tried to relocate Wolf Watch into Wales, it has not been the best year we have had in relation to weather.

The good news is that almost all member visits were an exception, even to the point where it stopped raining just before, then continued after people had left.

Perhaps Wolves have friends in high places.

Other good news is that Bosch and Anja are doing well and enjoying meeting members on visiting days. Bosch probably weighs over 60 kilos now and he and Anja are enjoying the extension to their new enclosure that was constructed earlier this year with the help of his former keeper.

Rickon is doing well after the sad loss of his sister Sansa and continues to race around his enclosure at feeding time.

Caroline continues to be the leading light on our administration and handling Bosch on members days. Michelle manages our social media and long term volunteers including Luke and Emma who have helped a great deal.

There are a number of other areas that have kept us afloat (other than the weather)  Not the least Confuzzled, Hertfordshire zoo, Novelist Rita Bradshaw, Our Wonderful Members and many other kind people for which we are very grateful. 

Also good neighbours in the community we live in have helped us in times of need and shown goodwill for what we do here.

A  BIG THANK YOU to everyone who has supported Wolf Watch in whatever way and in particular those who through lack of space or memory I have been unable to mention.

May I take the the opportunity of wishing everyone a HAPPY and Peaceful NEW YEAR.
