Kgosi – 16/4/99 to 23/5/17
24 May 2017

Dear Members and Friends, I have the saddest news, but also in a way I am trying to feel positive about it. Yesterday afternoon. we lost Kgosi. He appeared to have been drinking from the shallow part of the stream when he collapsed and died. A stroke in 2015 had left Kgosi both blind and deaf. Following treatment from our brilliant vet Lloyd Jones and aftercare by ourselves, Kgosi's determination to live won the day to regain physical fitness and in addition, hold together the dignity and respect entirely suited to his unique character, that of a dominant, intelligent and magnificent male Wolf. Equal to the surprise of his recovery was the role undertaken by his sister Madadh who recognised her brother's disabilities and took it upon herself to act as a 'Guide Dog.' She assisted him around their enclosure for a period of some six months until familiarity was restored and with the use of scent he regained his independence. At the age of 18 years he was one of the oldest Wolves in existence and therefore it was not difficult to recognise that age had finally caught up with him. Having originated from Port Lyme zoo in Kent, he and his sister were part of an unplanned litter of Canadian Wolves and the Zoo had put a great deal of effort into finding a good alternative home for them. Arriving here at eight days old the pair slept with me in a sleeping bag on the kitchen floor for the first two months of their life. Bottle feeding them every two hours was both a rewarding and exhausting experience. In the eighteen years that followed it is impossible to recollect the memories of pleasure and sometimes pain that both animals have taken part in. There are so many stories. The certainty rising above all else though, is the Privilege it has been to have played a part in their lives. Our priority now is to take care of Madadh, old age is apparent and some illness has also taken its toll. She has shared an enclosure with Kgosi for 18 years plus and it is not difficult to equate her situation with events that have occurred in our own lives. It is also an appropriate time to thank everyone who has adopted Kgosi over the years. Your help has supported the existence of Wolf Watch UK and the animals we have kept here. In particular, those who have been able to visit us will share in the sadness of this occasion as anyone who has met Kgosi will have been positively and often spiritually affected by the experience. Thank You! Tony. Wolf Watch UK.