Weather update from Wolf Watch
20 February 2022

Well, it’s been an interesting few days.
The storm wasn’t as bad as expected although at least a dozen more trees are now more horizontal than upright and a few more will shortly translate into firewood.
The good news is that none of the fencing was damaged and the Wolves seemed to have taken little notice of the the odd branch flying past like a fuel injected driverless broomstick or indeed the couple of inches of snow that lasted no more than a day.
However, the increased number of ravens and magpies was apparent during this unsettled period. As was their daring attempts to secure the left overs from Sansa and Rickon’s evening meal. This came to notice not just because of their sudden appearance after the Wolves were fed, but also from two lots of scattered feathers, both of which used to look a lot tidier on their previous owners!
No power cuts or internet interruptions this time, So it seems we got away lightly.
Our thoughts go to those who experienced a lot worse!!!